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The old saying is “God has a sense of humor”. If you ask me, He also has quite a sense of timing when dealing with His children.
Today is February 4th.
On this day 20 years ago, a relationship was invited into my life that proved to be life-changing…not in a good way. It almost proved my undoing for the next 5 years. But looking back on it today, I realized I found out a lot about myself through all that period of time. Ultimately it made me into the person I am today, who is pretty content because she learned what she didn’t want as much as what she did want. This was my moment “for a reason”.
On this day in 2005, I had my first date with my future husband. We are still friends, albeit as he says “on different journeys”. This has been my moment “for a season”.
On this date in 2011, I officially began the Got Junk In Our Trunk estate company where I helped countless people change their own lives with a skill God gave me years ago, that I didn’t even really know I possessed.I continue in a different way matching people up with cool finds, loving my job, planning to do this as long as I feel physically and mentally able. It gives me a creative outlet for writing, which is a first love for me. This has been my moment “for a lifetime”.
Today is February 4th…I am staying in, working on my lifetime stuff, enjoying the birds and reflecting on why I am who I am today, why I am where I am, why I am not where I want to be. Maybe I will look back in 10 years and think “On this date in 2020, XXX took place and changed my life.”

Hopefully it will be something good.