This is the week of one of my favorite holidays, Thanksgiving. It’s a time when family and friends get together and thank each other and the Lord for the bounty they have enjoyed. And it is a moment to remember with humility the reasons they have both people to celebrate with, and blessings to celebrate for. It has been a year of varied emotions and events at our home and in our family, and I was thinking about many things this morning while I pondered the holiday and wrote the staff a Thanksgiving memo.
I write random notes to the staff that we fondly call “Boss Lady Notes”, covering various topics and encouraging tidbits. This one was to thank them for being those who lift my life up and give me something as an employer that I can count on and enjoy in my own job as a CEO, and that is an assurance of a job well done. It was also written to remind them that although there are those who, from time to time, may fall short of their own expectations in their own lives, and there are days turning out less than ideal, there are also always reasons to be thankful if we only take the time to look and listen. I have included the memo below and hope it will encourage any of my readers here as well. May God richly bless you and yours this holiday season…
I’m Thankful for You
Thanksgiving is the appointed time
for focusing on the good in our lives.
In each of our days,
we can find small blessings,
but too often we overlook them,
choosing instead to spend our time
paying attention to our problems.
We give our energy
to those who cause us trouble
instead of to those who bring peace.
Starting now,
let’s each be on the lookout
for the bits of pleasure in each hour,
and appreciate the people who
bring love and light to everyone
who is blessed to know them.
You are one of those people.
On Thanksgiving,
I’m thankful for you.
Happy Thanksgiving!