Preserving Our Past For The Future


Rhonda pic for blog 1

I have never been one to make New Year’s resolutions. Seemed to be a way to set yourself up for disappointment or failure at times, and often pretty quickly after the first week of the enactment of the resolution. I have always found it easier to live a resolved life and try to make the most of each day personally and professionally.
As it nears the Christmas holidays, I watch the fuss and bustle, the bright eyes of children sitting on Santa’s knee as parents tap their feet wanting to get to their next destination, and the frantic gathering of families from far and wide and I find I am pondering my own life this last year more so than usual. There were so many rushed moments, and sadly even missed moments as I struggled to stay ahead of my business, moving into a new space which was daunting in the short time frame, and I cringe when I see my usually near spotless home has become crowded and unkempt, to me anyway. As the outside surroundings of my life have changed, my inside serenity kind of feels the same as the year draws to a close…unkempt, crowded and complicated. It’s time for some resolutions.
My adjectives for 2015 will be “Frugal and Simple”. In the New Year, I resolve to cut down on the things that fill up my home…those things I must care for, wash, clean, dust and otherwise spruce up to keep the health department at bay. I will keep only those things needed to perpetuate living for the day and those things I LOVE, not just like. I will be frugal with my time, spending it with those I love and even alone more rather than complicating a very simple, quiet life, which is what I really desire. I will get into nature more, enjoy the outdoors, and live it simply in the moment. What will be your adjectives for 2015? Do you have New Year’s resolutions?
