I am very much a Type A personality, so I really don’t do New Year’s resolutions. I kind of resolve all during my waking hours.
That said I do make plans, have wishes, hopes based on what transpired or didn’t transpire in my life over the last 365 days (next year I have an extra day to consider).
2019 saw a difference in my family with the birth of grandchild # 4, Marjorie. We are finishing up her first year on January 4th and all the “getting used to her” is pretty much a given. I hope 2020 to spend more time one on one with her so she will remember me when I am gone. I may or may not see her grow up and marry and have children and reach her own family state , so now is a more important time to spend with her than it was with the others I think at the same age.
2019 saw me downsize my estate business, then pretty much close up shop on it. It was and is a good feeling and one of the things I determined to do in 2019. 2020 I want to move forward with the online selling, but not
necessarily gear up volume as much as be pickier with my purchases, redeem my work time with more focusing, set myself some work hours that “cut off”. I want to make more money, but work smarter this year!
2019 I sold my home of almost 27 years and moved into a totally different home, city and lifestyle. The last few months of 2019 saw my time fly away, and my body groan with the physical necessities that moving entails. In 2020 I want to ease back into the master plan….more Rhonda time in my little bungalow, time to read, reflect, write and do things that have been on the back burner for years. 2020 will see me saying “no” more often than in the past to good things because I want only to say “yes” to the great things. That may be difficult. I love to go and do and see and experience. But I have really noticed since moving and settling in a new home, I crave the time to just feed the birds, sit outside, take walks, investigate things. You cannot do that if you are #1 not home, and #2 not engaged in your own life at home. I plan to allow myself to get diverted less often, and focus more on my simple pleasures. I may lose playmates here and there, but I guess that will have to be ok. I have found that like my own company.
I want to choose more wisely how I spend my minutes and with whom… for those become hours, then days, then years. It doesn’t mean I don’t love others, I just need more white space in my life so I can love better, and that most likely involves me not “attending” every event, or filling in every calendar page, or scheduling time off.
I want to find my place to plug in at church, meet new people, do new things…but only if they fit the master plan. That’s only fair to us both.
Lastly, I want to put away the last remnants of the past that have held my mind in bondage and free myself up to be ok with the Lord, ok with my fellow man, ok with myself. I am over “it” whatever “it” is or was, I am on to new things. No more ruminating over things that were not great at the time, but gave me good checkpoints for the future I want to live.
As I move into my 60th year (dang that is a long time to live, eh?) and celebrate that birthday, I want to do so gracefully and choose now to do so in “quietness and trust, gaining strength”, as it says in Isaiah 30:15.
My word for 2020 as my page turns? Calmness.

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